Improving Workplace Climate: A Randomized Intervention on Large Corporations
Primary Investigators: Sule Alan, Gozde Corekcioglu, Matthias Sutter
We are conducting large scale fieldwork to i) measure, ii) transform, and iii) monitor corporate climate using a randomized controlled setting, involving large corporations operating in defense, finance, chemicals, construction, energy and textile sectors. The study has an important gender angle related to female leadership. Evaluation results are coming soon. The trial has been registered at the AEA Registry:AEARCTR-0007532.
Equifirm: Challenges to Shaping an Inclusive Work-life in Rapidly Changing Labour Markets: Firms, Human Capital, and Family Policy
Project Leader: Astrid Kunze
Collaborators: Gozde Corekcioglu, Mette Ejrnæs, Marco Francesconi, Christina Gathmann, Xingfei Liu, Eppie van Egeraat
Why are women still underrepresented in top positions, despite the fact that women have reached high education levels and labour market participation? How do careers and strategic human capital, job assignment and work organisation in firms impact gender inequalities? Do governmental policies alter wages and careers in firms? The NFR project EquiFirm aims to provide new insights on these questions of primary interest to academics, politicians, and business by analysing them from the lens of the firm.
To answer these questions EquiFirm will develop new measures of human capital development and careers within firms taking account of the organisation structure internal to firms. These are then combined with natural experiments through public policy changes, such as social and family policies. To derive quantitative results, EquiFirm will build a high-quality administrative register database of merged information on firms and workers. Combining new insights in human capital, natural experiments and high-quality data, EquiFirm aims to unfold a detailed picture of adjustments within firms. These include adjustments related to input factors to production, firm entries and closures, organisation and management as well as effects on individual labour market outcomes. Finally, EquiFirm intends to expand our understanding of the cost-effectiveness of public policies and their effects on social equality from the firm perspective. EquiFirm combines methods and interdisciplinary perspectives from economics, sociology, psychology, organization theory and finance.