"Improving Workplace Climate in Large Corporations: A Clustered Randomized Intervention", with S. Alan and M. Sutter, Quarterly Journal of Economics, (2023), 138(1).
Featured: Harvard Business Review Türkiye, Frankfurter Allgemaine Zeitung
"Out of Sight, Out of Mind? Proximity to Health Care and Electoral Outcomes", with S. Adiguzel and A. Cansunar, Journal of Politics, (2023), 85(2).
Featured: LSE Middle East webinar on the politics of health care provision
"Unveiling the Effects of a Headscarf Ban: Evidence from Municipal Jobs in Turkey", Journal of Comparative Economics, (2021), 49(2).
UniCredit Foundation - best paper Award on Gender Economics 8th ed
"Do Generous Parental Leave Policies Help Top Female Earners?", with M. Francesconi and A. Kunze, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, (2020), 36(4).
Featured: Cato Institute
"Truth or Dare? Detecting Systematic Manipulation of COVID-19 Statistics", with S. Adiguzel and A. Cansunar, Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy, (2020), 1(4).
Featured: Independent Türkçe
Working Papers
"Female Leadership and Workplace Climate", with S. Alan, M. Kaba and M. Sutter.
"Expansions in Paid Parental Leave and Mothers' Economic Progress", with M. Francesconi and A. Kunze.
Work in Progress
"Parental Leave from the Firm's Perspective", with M. Francesconi and A. Kunze.
"Gender and Mobility in Islamic Banking", with B. Ozcan.